Families and Students » Attendance Information

Attendance Information

Every Day Counts!

Student Success Begins with Attendance

The South Bay Union School District recognizes the positive impact that regular school attendance has on student achievement.  As parents/guardians you play a key role in helping your children achieve their goals.


When students are not in class they miss important information and instruction.  Quality education requires regular and continuous instruction.  For our students to experience continued improvement, we need to have all students in school EVERY DAY and ready to learn.  Regular attendance benefits the student, the class, the school and the community.

  • Attending school every day is one of the most powerful tools for student success.
  • Students need parental support to help them develop the habit of regular school attendance.
Because regular attendance is vital to academic success, school or district staff will contact parents by phone, letter, and/or home visits to assist in encouraging regular consistent student attendance.  All compulsory education laws will be followed (ED Code 48200).